
Apple Watch and Fitness+ helping Nate become ‘a healthier, happier person’ after losing 100 lbs

Apple Watch saves lives, and it’s not just by making SOS calls and detecting heart conditions. Sometimes the Apple Watch motivates someone in just the right way to change their life through a months-long fitness journey.

9to5Mac reader Nate Gorby credits the Apple Watch with introducing him to fitness and keeping him motivated to stay on track with his journey after a recent weight loss surgery.

“Weight loss averages 65% for most patients, with over 85% of patients losing and maintaining 50% initial excess weight loss,” according to the Mayo Clinic. Committing to a healthy lifestyle is key to the success of a bariatric operation, and we all know a drastic lifestyle change takes a lot of willpower.

Nate says it’s been the combination of closing his rings on the Apple Watch and motivation from Fitness+ instructors that’s kept him on course.

“Through Fitness+, I was able to discover my passion for cycling, treadmill walking, HITT, and even practicing Mindfulness,” he writes. “I found a matched passion with the trainer team teaching me to ‘know that I am human’ and know that showing up is the biggest hurdle most days.”

“I made the decision this past winter to have weight loss surgery to help balance my newfound exercise routine,” Nate explains. “Fast forward six months, and I am a completely new person week after week!”

Nate’s dedication to letting the Apple Watch empower him recently helped him reach a weight loss milestone: 100 pounds lost.

“My doctors have told me that I’ve surpassed their expectations by months,” he says. “I’ve got my Apple Watch and the Fitness+ team to thank for this.”

After sharing his experience with Tim Cook over email, Nate capped his most recent milestone with a response from the Apple CEO: “Congratulations on your fitness journey!”

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Apple Watch saves lives, and it’s not just by making SOS calls and detecting heart conditions. Sometimes the Apple Watch motivates someone in just the right way to change their life through a months-long fitness journey.

9to5Mac reader Nate Gorby credits the Apple Watch with introducing him to fitness and keeping him motivated to stay on track with his journey after a recent weight loss surgery.

“Weight loss averages 65% for most patients, with over 85% of patients losing and maintaining 50% initial excess weight loss,” according to the Mayo Clinic. Committing to a healthy lifestyle is key to the success of a bariatric operation, and we all know a drastic lifestyle change takes a lot of willpower.

Nate says it’s been the combination of closing his rings on the Apple Watch and motivation from Fitness+ instructors that’s kept him on course.

“Through Fitness+, I was able to discover my passion for cycling, treadmill walking, HITT, and even practicing Mindfulness,” he writes. “I found a matched passion with the trainer team teaching me to ‘know that I am human’ and know that showing up is the biggest hurdle most days.”

“I made the decision this past winter to have weight loss surgery to help balance my newfound exercise routine,” Nate explains. “Fast forward six months, and I am a completely new person week after week!”

Nate’s dedication to letting the Apple Watch empower him recently helped him reach a weight loss milestone: 100 pounds lost.

“My doctors have told me that I’ve surpassed their expectations by months,” he says. “I’ve got my Apple Watch and the Fitness+ team to thank for this.”

After sharing his experience with Tim Cook over email, Nate capped his most recent milestone with a response from the Apple CEO: “Congratulations on your fitness journey!”

FTC: We use income earning auto affiliate links. More.

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